Thursday, May 3, 2007

Collings: The Inner Life of Painting

Collings feels that the art of today has no connection to the past ‘in any real way’ implying that art has transcended into a sort of new realm where paintings have no real meaning anymore, no symbolism and no connection or likeness to existing matter. I don’t agree that art today is mostly ‘visually boring’, I simply think a new approach towards art has developed and the traditional process and ‘purpose’ of painting is fading.
What attracts me to painting is the ability to create something visually enticing from your imagination, by manipulating something, or seeing and showing the beauty in ordinary objects.
Painting is something which comes from within, something which only the artist can decide on - every mark, every detail is their decision. It is their own unique touch created by them and only them. I feel that you can get lost in a painting, in both creating one and simply looking at one. A painting can evoke emotions, feelings, sensations, memories. It can create a mood, an atmosphere, express an opinion. It can impress, stimulate, clarify an idea, inspire and move you unlike anything else.

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